Month: July 2018

The Instagram Blues

Have you ever been caught up in the Instagram Blues?

(this is my personal opinion and thoughts. this is not any medical advice.)
For the past week, I have been in a rut. You see all the pretty houses and successful people. I started feeling like I just couldn’t live up to that. That what I have or how I live would never be that. So here is what I did.
I did what I could and set the phone down!
So I painted inside my house. I am still working on this. I only have time on Sundays to work on it. So it’s slow going but it’s looking good. I REALLY don’t like painting walls. So don’t think this is an easy fix, it’s not. But it is an upgrade I can do myself.
I plan on getting rid of some things. declutter is always a battle at my house. Everyone thinks the kitchen table is a dump zone. So this is one I continue to work on, but I plan to hit it hard one weekend soon.
I have plans to refinish my dining room table. I have never tried this before but I will share it no matter what. So success or fail it will be better than it is now. It has felt from an old tablecloth stuck all over the top. I have to keep it covered up now anyway.
As for me. I went to a conference for me. I have taken some free online classes to help me be more successful in my business. I some set plans now and it feels great. I took more care of my choices on clothes and makeup. I’m still me but I can play dress-up with clothes I already have and change things up. So today I am wearing a dress I haven’t worn in 2 years. Good thing it’s stretchy.  I doing what makes me feel pretty and better prepared to take on the day.
Take into account I have a day job where I am surrounded by haters. They are always making fun of everyone behind their back. Right now while I am writing you they are laughing at me. They can’t understand why I do what I’m doing so they are taring me down. But be stronger and rise above. I’m sitting here with a smile on my face looking like I come from the show “MAD MEN”. Rocking my look for today.
So if you take nothing else from this take this. Make some plans for you! lift up your head and do it! no one can take that from you. You don’t need anyone else approval.