My Top 5 Places for Free Stuff
I don’t know what it is about coming home and having free stuff in the mail that makes me so happy. I just love it. If it’s something I don’t need I give it away. So let’s talk about how you can have it all too!
1. they don’t just give you the little sample size stuff. I have gotten full size thing from them.
2. / now I don’t support tobacco but I do enjoy the free stuff they give out. In my picture do you see the white water bottle? Made it up myself on camel’s website and they sent it to me for free. Copenhagen has sent me wooden coasters and in the picture is a box of pencils with my initials on them. FREE
3. they do all the work. All you do is pick what you want and put it in your basket. When you’re done work your way down the list in the basket. They take you straight to the site where you need to fill in all of your info. That’s it
4. it is much the same as get it fee but the site is a little harder to deal with. Still worth it.
5. www.pepsipass.comdid you know they still have Pepsi points? Oh yeah and you get points for just login in everyday or watching a video. Easy
I wanted to give you a little more…
Try Target or Walmart site’s they have samples but they go fast
Sign up on email list for stores you like. I signed up on LLBean site they sent me a $5 credit toward purchase. So I checked out the clearance and found a nice thermos. I think I only paid part of the shipping so almost free 🙂
Have a great day!

Good post. Love getting free stuff and this is helpful information with websites listed I one place!